About Us
Baakleen National Library occupies a historic building that goes back to 1897, known then as "Baakleen Saray", comprising a court, a prison, and a post of the gendarmerie.
Upon the initiative of MP Walid Jumblatt in 1987, the building was restored and furnished to assume the role of a public library, which was equipped with various volumes, reference books, periodicals, and necessary equipment and run by a well trained and experienced staff. Upon his request, the library was annexed to the Ministry of Culture under the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 44, dated 9/10/1996, and thus became a public establishment. The mission of the library is: 1) To meet the needs of scholars, 2) To stimulate and develop the cultural movement, 3) To contribute to social awareness.

Youth Library
The youth Library is supervised by a highly qualified team. Smartly and colorfully decorated, it contains books and stories fit for all early ages in Arabic, English and French. Of course, its possessions are regularly enriched by new acquisitions purchased or donated. It is highly popular among the children and receives a good lot of visitors, individually or through private and official school tours.

The library over the years
Since this Library’s visitors are almost exclusively students, it is obvious that our
acquisition policy is mainly directed by the Ministry of Education’s curriculum, besides a
permanent endeavor to multiply and develop the sources of knowledge in books and
audiovisual means to the highest limits of our concerned yearly budget. Recently, we
added a computer facility to the former video, television and sound equipments in order
to benefit from the CD Rom sources of information, and to link this Library to the
general Library’s network. We are projecting to computerize the index and to add more
computers at the disposition of our teenagers in order to familiarize the children with
computer operations.
The parents corner
An area equipped with references about children, their raising and their psychology,
especially created for the mothers who accompany their children to the Library.
The Library’s summer activities
In summer, the children Library’s schedule is different. The Library management
prepares special constructive programs along with knowledge contests, drawing, and
coloring all aiming at improving and encouraging the thinking power of the child and at
teaching him to have confidence in himself, a factor that is behind all creative abilities.

Check our latest news and activities

Baakleen National Library’s
Friends Association
Baakleen National Library’s Friends Association

The association plays a specific and effective role in backing the National Library and
complements the role of the Culture Ministry. The association is a legal and official
institution, whose basic internal regulations have strictly defined its mission. The
association strictly respects the coordination and harmony between the Library’s
management and the Culture Ministry through its direct relation with the library’s
Director (designated by the Ministry). The Director suggests plans to develop the library
as a cultural and social center. The Director secures the adequate conditions and means
aiming at allowing the Library to accomplish its mission and sallow its visitors to
employ the reference sources and equipments. This cultural project (i.e., the National
Library) has been under the tutelage of the Lebanese government, and more specifically
the Cultural Ministry since 1996. This tutelage created an important new opportunity
for the Library to realize its objectives in raising the level of the general public
awareness, encouraging and backing up any creative activity, safekeeping the national
heritage, and most importantly planning the general cultural orientation of the Lebanese
state towards modernizing the cultural policy by ridding it from the crippling
Why was the Library’s Friends Association established and who are the members?
It is evident that the Culture Ministry cannot cover alone the expenses of the Baakleen
National Library. This created the need for such an association and its role as we
formerly mentioned. The association was officially licensed by the interior Ministry
attestation N’ 363 / Hd of September 30, 1993. The Association is composed of a group
of Lebanese personalities, well known in the fields of science, society, culture, and
education, who dedicated voluntarily a great part of their time and effort to help the
Library’s management in the task of its development and enrichment.

Contact Us
For more information or to benefit from the Library's multi-services (e.g., books, references, archives, indexes etc.), you can get in touch with our librarians or mail the management through the Internet or by the Ordinary Post at the following addresses.
Contact details
The National Library
Baakleen- Chouf - Lebanon
Director: Ghazi Saab /Tele: 00961- 03 522415
Postal Address: National Library- Chouf- Baakleen
P.O. box 25
Beiteddine- 1503
Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Phone and Fax : 00961 5 - 304050 - 51
Email: [email protected]
Drop us a line!